ASCA Viewpoints Podcast
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
65 episodes of ASCA Viewpoints Podcast since the first episode, which aired on August 2nd, 2017.
1.15 David Pe and Judy Li share their Viewpoints
January 16th, 2018 | Season 1 | 42 mins 7 secs
asca, china, higher education, student affairs, student conduct
David Pe, Associate Dean of Students at NYU Shanghai, and Judy Li, Assistant Dean of Students at NYU Shanghai, discuss student conduct in a Chinese higher education context.
Bonus Minisode!
January 3rd, 2018 | Season 1 | 11 mins 27 secs
asca, higher education, podcast, student affairs, student conduct
This bonus minisode of the ASCA Viewpoints Podcast shares some of our stats and the behind-the-scenes creation of an episode. Features Colleen Maeder, Producer, Editor, and Mixer of the podcast.
1.14 Karen Joshua Wathel shares her Viewpoint
December 12th, 2017 | Season 1 | 48 mins 30 secs
asca, disability support, higher education, student affairs, student conduct, viewpoints
Karen Joshua Wathel, Associate Dean of Students at Kalamazoo College and ASCA Director for 4 Year Private Institutions, shares her viewpoint. Karen teaches us about the intersection of disability support services and student conduct.
1.13 Alyssa Leffall shares her Viewpoint
December 5th, 2017 | Season 1 | 40 mins 39 secs
fire, freedom of expression, higher education, law, student affairs, student conduct
Alyssa Leffall, Special Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs at Texas A&M University, shares her viewpoint. This episode focuses on the transition from full-time law practice to the student conduct profession.
1.12 Alyssa Stoner Reddy and Janelle Briscoe share their Viewpoints
November 28th, 2017 | Season 1 | 1 hr 5 mins
higher education, small shops, student affairs, student conduct, titleix, viewpoints
Alyssa Stoner Reddy and Janelle Briscoe, both Directors of 1-person student conduct shops at small institutions, share their Viewpoints.
1.11 Dr. Dawna Haynes shares her Viewpoint
November 14th, 2017 | Season 1 | 39 mins 45 secs
asca, higher education, student affairs, student conduct, veterans
Dr. Dawna Haynes, Dean of Students at Big Bend Community College and researcher of student veteran needs, shares her viewpoint.
1.10 Mary Beth Mackin (posthumously) shares her Viewpoint
November 7th, 2017 | Season 1 | 48 mins 15 secs
asca, gehring academy, higher education, student affairs, student conduct
Mary Beth Mackin, Past President of ASCA and the namesake of the Mary Beth Mackin Foundations of Professional Practice track at the Donald D. Gehring Academy was recorded by ASCA Intern, Audrey Winking in the summer of 2015. Mary Beth's surviving partner, Susan, has granted us permission to release this very special interview. Introduction and reflection by Dr. Lee Bird.
1.9 Cyndi Vasquez Barrios shares her Viewpoint
October 31st, 2017 | Season 1 | 35 mins 12 secs
asca, community college, higher education, student conduct
Cyndi Vasquez Barrios, Dean of Students at Joliet Junior College, former ASCA Board Member as Director for Community Colleges, and past-Gehring Academy faculty shares her viewpoint. We touch a lot on community colleges in this episode.
1.8 Dr. Ryan Holmes and Mr. Rex Ybanez share their Viewpoints
October 24th, 2017 | Season 1 | 1 hr 3 mins
ccasspi, global, higher education, international, philippines, social justice, student affairs, student conduct, viewpoints
Dr. Ryan Holmes, ASCA Past-President, Past Conference Chair, and Associate VP/Dean of Students at the University of Miami shares his viewpoint. Mr. Rex Ybanez, Chairman and Founder of the Center for the Certification and Accreditation of Student Services in the Philippines, Inc. shares his viewpoint. Mr. Rex's portion of the episode was recorded in May, 2017 in Manila, the Philippines. It is being released posthumously with permission.
1.7 JJ Larson shares her Viewpoint
October 17th, 2017 | Season 1 | 40 mins 7 secs
asca, case management, hecma, higher education, student affairs, student conduct, titleix, viewpoints
JJ Larson, President of HECMA, Higher Education Case Managers Association, talks about the case management profession and its intersection with student conduct work.
1.6 Scott Schneider shares his Viewpoint
October 10th, 2017 | Season 1 | 51 mins 16 secs
asca, higher education, student affairs, student conduct, title ix, trauma informed investigation
Scott Schneider, an expert on trauma informed investigations and higher education law, shares his Viewpoint.
1.5 Jordon McLinden and Al Stelnick share their Viewpoints
October 3rd, 2017 | Season 1 | 59 mins 32 secs
asca, canada, higher education, student affairs, student conduct
Jordon McLinden and Al Stelnick, the ASCA Canadian Region co-coordinators share their Viewpoints.
1.4 Dr. Mike DeBowes shares his Viewpoint
September 26th, 2017 | Season 1 | 1 hr 6 secs
campus safety, clery, higher education, student affairs, student conduct, titleix, viewpoints
Dr. Mike DeBowes of the National Association Clery Compliance Officers and Professionals shares his viewpoint.
1.3 Dr. Joyce Ester shares her Viewpoint
September 19th, 2017 | Season 1 | 33 mins 16 secs
higher education, student affairs, student conduct, titleix, viewpoints
Dr. Joyce Ester, President of Normandale Community College and former student conduct officer, shares her Viewpoint
1.2 Will Creeley shares his Viewpoint
September 12th, 2017 | Season 1 | 57 mins 33 secs
fire, freedom of expression, higher education, student affairs, student conduct, title ix
Will Creeley, Senior Vice President of Legal and Public Advocacy at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) shares his Viewpoint.
1.1 Lee Bird shares her Viewpoint
September 5th, 2017 | Season 1 | 40 mins
asca, higher education, lee bird, student affairs, student conduct, viewpoints
Dr. Lee Bird shares her Viewpoint